
    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||(A Very Ocassional Newsletter)
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||

AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH

           NEWS ON:     NEW POWER AMIGAS,
                        WORLD OF AMIGA SHOW, 
                        VIDEO TOASTER EXPO,

 Lots of good things to report today! Special thanks to Harv Laser, 
Sysop of the Amiga Zone on the Portal System, for sending much of the 
information along, and to Royan Webb for her overall help.
 Note: I'm using new mailer software. Please let me know if you have 
trouble with the formatting of this issue.
                  A M I G A   G O E S   P O W E R   P C 

 Bensheim 07/11/95

During his key note address held in Los Angeles at the Video Toaster 
Expo, Petro Tyschtschenko, CEO and President of Amiga Technologies
officially announced the Power PC to be the processor used in the future
generation of Amiga computers.

The first POWER AMIGA will be available 1st quarter 1997 and will 
feature the Power PC 604 RISC CPU. Further models will be available later in
the entry-level, as well as in the mid-range.

The Power Amigas will be backwards compatible with current models and 
also feature a new and more powerful chipset. 
"Our pre-emptive multitasking Operating System AmigaOS will be ported to 
the Power PC platform first. Our goal is to make our OS hardware
independent to allow further ports on other platforms", said Petro

He also added: "We have a clear business plan: We do things 
consequently, step by step. First, we ramped up the production and set up an
organisation to handle the Amiga market and satisfy the demand. Now that 
we have achieved this successfully, we focus on research & development
to bring new and better products on the market. One of the mistakes the 
former Commodore made, was to do too many things at a time, too many
promises and therefore losing focus on important aspects of its business. We
have learned from these mistakes and won't repeat them.
Commitments and promises are nice but facts are better."

The developments will also focus on including more features in the 
AmigaOS, especially regarding network abilities and memory management.

The development of the native RISC AmigaOS will be made internally at 
Amiga Technologies. An R&D department is currently being set up in
Bensheim with sufficient engineers to meet the announced schedules. 
Former well known Commodore engineers as well as new competencies will
join the team in Bensheim this year.

This development project will also be involving a dozen companies in 
close partnership with Amiga Technologies GmbH.

More good news for all Amiga users: The Power PC technology will not 
only be available for new Power Amigas. Thanks to a close co-operation
between Amiga Technologies and Phase V, a German turbo board manufacturer, a
full range of Power PC boards will also be available for the A1200,
A3000 and A4000 series.

This will allow a general migration of the Amiga platform towards Power 
PC in a short time, also for current models.

First Power PC boards for current Amigas will be available before end of 

Amiga Technologies will be flexible in licensing the RISC Operating 
System as before so that a global solution will be available for all above
mentioned Amiga computers. This is especially important for the 
foreseeable partnerships.

The 68060 board for the Amiga 4000 T will be available during the first
quarter of 1996 and will provide the power needed by applications like 
3D rendering software, compilers and high-end graphics software.

During 1996, new 68K based entry-level models will be available. These 
Amigas will be based on the A1200 platform, with faster processors, more
memory expansion capacity and CD ROM expansion.

Amiga Technologies is a 100% subsidiary of the ESCOM AG and is based in
Bensheim, Germany.

You are welcome on our WEB page for more information at 


Gilles Bourdin
AMIGA Technologies
Berliner Ring 89
D-64625 Bensheim

Tel +49 6252 709 195
Fax +49 6252 709 520

eMail: gbo@amiga.de

Amiga is a registered trademark of ESCOM AG
POWER PC is a registered trademark of IBM corporation

        Copyright 1995 by AMIGA Technologies GmbH - Editor: Dr. Peter 
Send comments to <webmaster@amiga.de> - Date: 07.11.95

  A M E R I C A N   D I S T R I B U T E R   F O R   A M I G A  
  Columbia,  MD, October 24, 1995:   The Service  Management
  Group,  Inc.  (SMG)  of Columbia, MD has  been  chosen  by
  Amiga  Technologies  GmbH, a subsidiary  of  ESCOM  AG  of
  Bensheim,  Germany, to distribute the Amiga  product  line
  in  North America. This distribution agreement covers  the
  United States and Canada.
  The  SMG  has  been  associated  with  Commodore  Business
  Machines,  it's distributors, dealers and customers  since
  1990.  Amiga  Technologies was looking for a company  that
  had  competencies  in service and support,  and  could  be
  more  than  just  a distributor. The SMG  fulfilled  these
  requirements  and will bring the popular  Amiga  computers
  back to the North American dealers and users.
  Together  with the SMG, Amiga Technologies  GmbH  will  be
  represented at the Video Toaster Expo from the 1st to  the
  4th  of  November in Los Angeles. A press conference  will
  be   held  on  the  2nd  of  November.  During  the  press
  conference,  Petro  Tyschtschenko,  Managing  Director  of
  Amiga  Technologies  will  reveal  the  name  of  the  new
  processor of  that will be used in the next generation  of
  Amiga computers.
  The  Amiga  4000T will hit the shelves during  the
  second week of November.
  Amiga  Technologies and the SMG will also have a booth  at
  Comdex  in  Las  Vegas  from  the  13th  to  the  17th  of
  November.  The  SMG will represent Amiga  Technologies  at
  the World of Amiga  in Toronto, Canada in December.
  The  Service  Management  Group  has  been  a  leader   in
  Outsourcing  Distribution and Warranty Administration  for
  high technology manufacturers since 1989.
  For  more information see our World Wide Web  page
  at HTTP://www.Amiga.de     

 R E P O R T   F R O M   V I D E O   T O A S T E R   U S E R   E X P O 

 By Harv Laser,
- Amiga Zone Sysop, Portal - 
Posted 2 November

I spent the day today at the Universal City Hilton hotel for the
2nd annual Video Toaster User expo, which continues thru 04 Nov. 95

Here's a tiny recap - I'll have more to post later along with
photos after I get the film developed and scan them.

In a half-hour speech to a packed ballroom of about 500 people,
Petro Tyschtschenko (say "ta-SHEN-ko"), a very gung-ho and
good English-speaking guy, pulled up a black cloth and revealed
a brand new production Amiga 4000 Tower, and also showed, cased
in lucite, no less, an actual A1200 motherboard produced by
AmigaTech along with a German sales packed-A1200 full of bundled
software. In fact, the FIRST production board is what it was.

Tyschtschenko is the President of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH, the
wholly owned subsidiary of Escom, AG, and it's the new 40 person
(so far) company formed to make Amiga personal computers. (Does
anyone not know this yet? :) after Escom bought out Commodore.

He then, with much suspense, announced the next generation Amigas
will use Motorola's PowerPC CPU and will be dubbed the Power Amiga.

Petro, along with his young Press Relations Guy, Gilles Bourdin,
explained that Escom has already spent many times its initial
$12million investment in the intellectual properties of Commodore,
whom they bought out earlier this year. That they know what the
Amiga is, unlike Commodore's former top management, and that
"We didn't just buy the Amiga for Christmas." He insisted that
the Amiga is back and that development will carry on through the
last of the 68xxx processors, the 68060, and then onto the
PowerPC. He did not name any ship dates for Power Amigas of course,
although scuttlebut says expect them in early '97. 

Petro further said that so far, 15,000 new AT-made A1200s have been sold
in Europe. Not just shipped, sold. To customers. And that
over 80,000 more are backordered at dealers and are being
made as fast as the factory can crank them out.

Amiga Tech GmbH is forming a strategic alliance with Apple Computer,
since they have already been before where Amiga is going, from the
68k family of CPUs to the PPC.

After Petro spoke, Tim Jenison, Pres. of Newtek took the stage
and gave a very moving, tearful speech in tribute to Jay Miner,
father of the Amiga.  This was a speech unlike anything I have
ever heard Jenison give before.  He was on the verge of tears many
times as he recounted his early meetings in Los Gatos with
Jay and the early Amiga engineering crew, showing them the first
Digiview pictures, how Jay was constantly amazed and thrilled at
the things developers were making his little creation do.

I took pictures at the press conference and also in the exhibits
hall of various people and products and will scan and upload them
in the next couple days, putting them on Portal in the Amiga Zone
library and on Aminet, so look for them soon.

That's enough for now. I'm pooped

 Q U I C K   R E P O R T   O N   W O R L D   O F   A M I G A ,   
                     I N   G E R M A N Y
{The English here is not the best, but I thought you'd be interested in
seeing this just as posted. The writer's enthusiasm is pretty obvious. 

From: GRISU@FANTASIE.RUHR.DE  (Ralf Willingh=94fer)

Hi Freaks ! 
Today I was on the World Of Amiga Show in cologne , Germany ! 
This is the biggest Amiga Show in the world ! 
Whats new ??: 
At first , a great show from AMIGA TECHNOLOGIES ! 
They had a grat representation ! 
Many Amiga 1200 online in the internet ! 
The i-glasses , very cool ! 
The new AMIGA 4000 Tower !!!!! 
A new MPEG card for higher Amigas ! 
The next Amiga generation will build on the base of the POWEr-PC ! 
For the AMIGAS 1200 , 3000 , 4000 there will be a CPU Board with the 
POWER PC RISC for under 1000.-DM !!! {Between $700-$800. Brad}
These Boards will be produced from PHASE 5 ( Cyberstorm and Blizzard ) 
There will be a chance to make a update from the new 68XXX Boards the 
Power PC Board ! 
I dont know the relaese date of this boards ! 
Phase 5 have a prototype of a Power PC developement board !! 
Many Amiga 1200 and Amiga Monitors were sold on this first day of the 
show ! 
Software :# 
New versions I have seen : 
Cinema 4D Ver.3 
Picture Manger Vers. 3.0 
MUI Vers. 3.0 
Final Calc 
Final DATA 3 
Final Writer 4 
Wordworth 4 
Turbocalc CD ROM ( Vers. 2.0 19,90.-DM ) 
Maxon Cinema 4D classic CD ROM : 79.-DM 
Meeting Pearls 3 14,90.-DM 
Aminet 8      25.-DM 
Aminet SET 2 
Alien Breed 3D ( Amiga CD ROM ) + A1200 
Fears ( Amiga CD ROM ) + A1200 
Erben der Erde ( german adventure on CD with 3 different Versions on it 
CD 32 , AGA , ECS ) + A1200 A500(+) 
The prices : 
AMIGA 1200 Magic ( with software , no HD ) 649.-DM 
AMIGA 1200 Magic ( "      "      , 175MB HD , Scala 300 ) 949.-DM 
Amiga T-Shirt : ( with the new Logo : 20.-DM ) 
Amiga Coffee Pot 15.-DM 
and much much more 
There was a great feeling on this Show !!! Times get better now ! 
Ralf Willingh=F6fer 

    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  Brad Webb - available at:
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  Portal -- XJumpdisk