         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
       __\ _____ \\\\  \_  _/  //___//  _____//______\ _____ \\
      // \\\\  /. \\\\__ \/ __//    \\  \\____.  /// \\\\  /. \\
      \\___\¯ /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\¯ /___//
       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 040831 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

     2   M I C R O - A 1 S   F O R   O C T O B E R   R E L E A S E 

                  A L A D D I N   4 D   O N   E B A Y 

           A L C H I M I E   4   S H O W   I N   F R A N C E 

              H O L L Y W O O D   U P D A T E   1 . 9 . 2 

           A W E B   -   A   B E T A   O F   I N T E R E S T 

        D I S K M A S T E R 2   H A S   N E W   V E R S I O N S 

          G O L D E D   U P D A T E   I S   A V A I L A B L E

  S P A M F R Y E R   U P D A T E   H A S   B E E N   R E L E A S E D 

               W I N U A E   B U G F I X   V E R S I O N
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 An interesting article appeared in the online version of "Information
Week" for August 9th. The article dealt with fears and issues
concerning open source software vs. proprietary software, including
operating systems. Here are a few quotes that caught my attention: 

 "the potential to run afoul of intellectual-property claims, combined
with the sheer proliferation of open-source projects, means customers
need to make open-source choices carefully.
 "Concerns about what patents the city of Munich, Germany, might
violate in moving 14,000 PCs from Windows to Linux caused city
officials last week to delay those plans.
 "And HP's top Linux executive, Martin Fink, last week said that the
large number of open-source licenses is causing confusion."

 What seems to be happening is that many groups who had been rushing
to Linux as an alternative to MicroSoft are now becoming worried about
copyright and intelectual property issues. Some fear they may find
themselves in ugly legal messes if they rely too heavily on the open
source community. This is a reasonable fear considering the tendency
to sue for any and all reasons in today's world.
 It's equally clear that many of these organizations would dearly love
an alternative OS to Windows. One where there was no fear of Microsoft
tactics or open source ownership issues. Apple doesn't seem interested
- and besides, Mac OS is now based on a version of UNIX which just
might prove equally probelmatical down the road if it became
sufficiently popular.
 Do we have any idea where an alternative operating system with no
ownership issues just might be found? One with a good user gui, for
instance, that actually predates Windows and should have no
intelectual property issues to be concerned about? It would take some
courage to move into this arena, and probably couldn't be done
overnight. But it could be done.
 Yo, KMOS, are you listening?
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

2 Aug 2004 

 Used to own an A3000. Fascinating what never happened to the best OS
GUI I ever used. I think a lot of people could benefit if Workbench
was open sourced for use as a Linux desktop environment.
 No name provided
Hello Provided,
 That's a very interesting idea you have. I wonder what the rest of
our readers might think of it? Thanks for sending it along.
 In a similar vein, see the Thoughts and Introduction above.

    2   M I C R O - A 1 S   F O R   O C T O B E R   R E L E A S E 

28 August, 2004

 µ-A1 scheduled for release 1st October 2004.
 When we {Eyetech} first showed pictures of the µ-A1 last October it
was of the first of a series of pre-production versions. Each
successive version made was designed to make sure that the final
specification of the pre-production product suited the ne eds of both
Amigians and, particularly, large volume industrial customers. We used
the pre-production prototypes to gain feedback from a range of such
potential customers to ensure that the specification and reliability
of the µ-A1 met or exce eded their needs and therefore would ensure
the commercial success of the product. That process is now complete.
 Two models of µ-A1 boards
 What emerged was a need for two variants of the µ-A1 board to suit
different markets, which we are now calling the µ-A1-C (for
commercial) and the µ-A1-I (for industrial). The µ-A1-C is closely
based on the existing pre-production µ-A1's that
 have be quite widely shown over the last few months. The µ-A1-I has
some different features - and chips - and therefore requires
additional software drivers writing. The detailed specifications for
each board are given in the table below.
 The first batch of production µ-A1-C boards have already been made
and are now on their way to us. Hyperion are currently finalising an
updated version of OS4 for the board - we will begin shipping boards
to dealers when we receive the new OS 4 CDs. We expect dealers who
have pre-ordered to receive their first µ-A1-C boards/CD's at the
beginning of October. We anticipate that the µ-A1-I - which will need
a further update of OS4 to support the new chips - will be with
dealers in ear ly November.
 Initially both versions will be available to dealers as board-only,
although we are also investigating the feasibility of having a batch
of factory manufactured, ready-to run systems made complete with hard
drives and CDWR/DVDROM combo drives . If produced these will come in
high quality, distinctive cases and be made available via the usual
dealer channels.
 In any event most dealers will also sell their own ready-to-run
systems using cases and other components which they have sourced
 The suggested end user price for these boards is as follows: µ-A1-C -
gbp349/euro499/USD599 (ex VAT/sales tax) µ-A1-I -
gbp399/euro599/USD699 (ex VAT/sales tax)
 Both boards include cpu, 256MB memory, cpu cooler and on board
graphics and sound, but exclude OS4 (-OEM or -PR as appropriate) which
is an additional cost (euros 100 or equivalent), compulsory purchase
item. The revenue from OS4 goes directl y to Hyperion to fund past and
ongoing development of OS4.
 Additional A1XE-G4 boards to be made available
 We anticipate shipping a further small batch of A1XE-G4 boards to
dealers during October, against forward dealer orders. Suggested end
user prices will be the same as previously (ie base on gbp500 ex tax).
Please note however that these new b oards will not be 'Earlybird'
systems and OS4-OEM (or -PR as appropriate) is an additional cost
 As previously stated we will eventually produce the micro-ATX form
factor A1-XC with updated specifications (DDR memory, more on-board
peripherals etc), mainly to provide a development platform - always
assuming that the µ-A1 is successful in
 volume markets.
 µ-A1-C specification in outline
 The µ-A1-C is closely based on the specifications of the A1XE board,
modified where appropriate for the mini-ITX form factor and to get
round various quirks which have surfaced on the existing XE boards. It
will be shipped with a 750Fx @800 M Hz cpu module on a standard
AmigaOne MegArray connector, and a single SODIMM socket populated with
256MB. Graphics will be provided by an onboard Radeon 7000 with 32MB
memory. 6-channel 5.1 surround sound is provided by a CMI 8738 chip.
 The board comes with a single PCI slot which is capable of taking a
-1, -2 or -3 slot riser card. This will not be supplied by us, (single
slot risers should normally be supplied along with the case), but we
will be making the specifications available to third parties so they
can produce, for example, a riser with 2 PCI and 1 AGP (operating in
PCI mode) slots. These should then be available directly through your
local dealer.
 We are only shipping G3 cpu modules with the board at this stage, due
to the high power consumption of commonly (and economically) available
G4 cpu's, and the resulting cooling problems when the board is mounted
in a mini-ITX case. It is our intention to have upgrade G4 cpu modules
made for this board using lower power G4's (like the MPC7447 cpu) when
these become available at reasonable prices in smallish quantities.
 µ-A1-I specification in outline
 The specification for the µ-A1-I is very comprehensive - we really
have tried to include as many on board peripherals as practicable
whilst also including what we believe are unprecedented expansion
facilities in such a compact design. The ma in expansion slot is fully
documented and 'open standard' so that specialist hardware interface
companies (eg Individual Computers) can produce and market a range of
add-ons - in true Amiga tradition. This expansion port has been
designed to b e PCI-104 compatible resulting in a wide range of all
manner of expansion cards already being available off-the-shelf. The
PCI 104 bus is a 'stacking' bus which allows more than one expansion
card to be used simultaneously. These expansion boa rds lie parallel
to the main board, simplifying the implementation of robust, reliable
mechanical fixing - which is essential for high reliability industrial
 On-board peripherals include USB, IEEE 1394 (firewire); ATA133;
Gbit/100/10 ethernet; 5.1 6-channel surround sound; SVGA, SVHS and
composite video output and the usual array of legacy connectors
(games, 2x serial, parallel). Several of these I/O functions are
supplied on headers, making interconnections on industrial systems (eg
a serial touch screen controller) much easier to implement.
 In addition the single standard PCI slot will support a 1 to 3 slot
expansion riser as with the µ-A1-C above.
 The board will also incorporate 256MB of on-board memory plus an
expansion SODIMM socket, passive cpu cooling and a CF (compact flash)
'hard drive' slot which. These features taken together will allow for
completely solid-state operation - es sential for the high reliability
needed in many industrial applications. AGP graphics will be provided
by an on-board ATi 7000-series graphics processor with 32MB of DDR
 With all this added functionality board space is extremely tight, and
something had to give. The chosen candidate was the exchangeable
MegArray-based cpu module as used on the AmigaOne-XE. There simply was
not room to fit it in with all the other stuff.
 However the good news is that the µ-A1 will now come with an 800MHz
750Gx cpu as standard, which represents an upgrade to the 750Fx used
in the AmigaOne XE-G3. We rejected the option of using a Motorola G4
cpu as the higher heat dissipation meant that passive cooling was not
possible - and it is cpu fan failure which is one of the major causes
of unreliability in computer systems.

                 A L A D D I N   4 D   O N   E B A Y 

10 August, 2004

 The 10th of August saw the Amiga Aladdin 4D program up for auction on
E-Bay. The auction ran until 20 August without a winner, and was
relisted, apparently again without a winning bid. Following is text
from the auction page.

Starting bid:

US $35,000.00 


Aug-20-04 19:26:39 PDT 

Start time: 

Aug-10-04 19:26:39 PDT 

 Aladdin 4D Complete 3D Package/Rights/Source

 Aladdin 4D is being offered by Nova Design, Inc. for sale to any
individual or company interested in purchasing this for their own use.
The purchaser will recieve all rights, trademarks, documentation,
executables, samples, newsletters, projec ts, and the entire source
code to this amazing package. This package is an amazingly fast 3D
rendering, modeling and animation system. It's code is highly portable
(it is currently on the Amiga platform but the package has been ported
to a par allel processing 'transputer' system (this code not included)
and has been maintained to be as portable as possible. The source code
is in in the C programming language and is well commented standard C
 If you, or your company, is looking to add a well-written and
extensive 3D program to your product line - you aren't going to go
wrong with Aladdin 4D. While Nova Design, Inc. redefined Aladdin 4D to
be accessible to neophyte 3D artists, it's tool set includes advanced
modeling tools, animation systems, particle systems and much more.
 Aladdin 4D comes with a comprehensive bound manual that was profusely
illustrated. This manual, and the original electronic document, are
 Aladdin 4D also has a newsletter which has featured years and years
of issues which have been put online as well. These newsletters
contained valuable tutorials, projects, sample artwork and more! These
too are included.
 For more information visit our web site at www.novadesign.com or read

 Aladdin 4D

 Aladdin 4D is one of the most complete 3D packages you can find on
the Amiga today. It comes complete with enhanced animation, modeling,
lighting, and rendering that can all be extended with an advanced
plugin system. Aladdin 4D provides professional features at a price
anyone can afford.

 Available on the Amiga platform, Aladdin 4D steps forward with a
complete suite of tools available for you to use. Aladdin 4D comes
with the tools, plugins, and functions necessary for you to deliver
the highest quality work on time and under
 budget. Best of all, Aladdin 4D does this without sacrificing quality
or ease of use.
 By including the tools you need with the quality you deserve and all
at the right price, Aladdin 4D is the package for you.

 The winning bidder will acquire the entire rights to Aladdin 4D. They
are even welcome to the remaining stock of Amiga packages which can be
shipped to them at their expense otherwise Nova Design will simply
liquidate these to a discount distributor. Nova Design will turn over
all rights and intellectual property pertaining to Aladdin 4D
following payment.


          A L C H I M I E   4   S H O W   I N   F R A N C E 


 Last year, 225 people attended the Alchimie computer show in east of
France. Come again to Tain-l'hermitage at 100Km below Lyon from the
24th to 26th of September.
 Again a coding party will take place at the Alchimie which will bring
to us a lof of productions and we hope to see some on Pegasos and
AmigaOne, and on Old School machines (we wait C64 users).There are
several prizes to win.

Some conferences are planned:

- game Destinea Wars,

- the CPC NG, the new version of CPC 464 and 6128,

- Amiga Os 4.0.

 Amiga resellers will be there too Amont Informatique will come with
their AmigaOnes.
 Many surprises will wait for you so come and join us !!!


            H O L L Y W O O D   U P D A T E   1 . 9 . 2 


 An update for all users of Hollywood 1.9 is available now. This is
mostly a bug-fix update but it has some new features as well. The
update is provided for free and can be downloaded from the Hollywood
product page. It can be used with all ve rsions of Hollywood 1.9, i.e.
AmigaOS3, WarpOS and MorphOS binaries. To install the update, just run
the included installer which will analyze your Hollywood 1.9
installation and update all out-dated components then. Please note,
that you need Hollywood 1.9 for this update. To find out what exactly
has changed in Hollywood 1.9 revision 2, have a look at the history
section in the documentation.

           A W E B   -   A   B E T A   O F   I N T E R E S T 


CHANGES FROM 3.5 to 3.5.01

 One new feature (improved relocation handling) and a few bug fixes
have been added since 3.5 beta. Following is a quick overview.


 AWeb relocation handling has been much improved, Temporarily moved
urls are now temporary! They are not cached and a second request to
the original url will reload the document. Also the relocated url is
displayed under the name of the destination not the original request
(MSIE and mozilla both do this).
 Thses changes mean a that many login systems work smoother without
the need to manually refresh pages. Another example is that the
"Continue To Message" link on a yahoo advert now works.


 A few enforcer hit type bug have been cleaned up resulting in
improved stabilty.


 A bug in the javascript Image() objects onerror handling was fixed.


 The new background image handling did not update the backgrounds of
Animated gifs


 Two new charsets have been added as an interim fix to the problem of
windows characters in iso-8859-1 documents.
 iso-8859-1 translates the extra windows characters from windows-1252
to near equivalents (as the old compatable mode did, but with a few
composite charatcers missing) windows-1252 translates true
windows-1252 docs to iso-8859-1
 A more comprehensive charset solution is in the works...


 Character refernces for unicode characters such as " etc are now
supported in all modes and not just in strict. The ¤ reference should
work now if you have the right fonts.


       D I S K M A S T E R 2   H A S   N E W   V E R S I O N S 


 Rudolph Riedel has released version 2.5.30 of DiskMaster2. Both 68k
and OS4 native versions are available.
 Future DiskMaster2 Releases

 Basic roadmap for future DiskMaster2 versions and the documentation
 Add more of the user-requested features
 Add much more information to the list and provide more "exotic"
 more scripts to be bundeled with this release

Send your wishes

 DiskMaster2 on future Systems?

 A question often asked - or spoken as a suggestion - will DiskMaster2
be available on future Amiga-like systems? The answer is pretty simple
now: Yes! An OS4 native PPC binary of DiskMaster2 is already
 Thanks to your donations I was able to buy an used copy of Amithlon
which sped-up things for me a lot since the compile-times dropped
 Additionally I had the opportunity to "borrow" an A1-board, I "only"
had to supply what else was needed to make it a working system.
DiskMaster2 native PPC for OS4 exists and works as nice on the A1 as
the 68k version on Amithlon and I build both versions from a single
set of source-codes now. 2.5.29 is included as contribution on the
pre-release CD.
 If you like to donate some EUR to encourage further development -
donations are very welcome!!
 If you don't mind to send me something thru snail-mail you can find
my address here as well as in the DiskMaster2.guide. Or if you happen
to live in the EU you could also send me something thru a normal
bank-transfer, just ask for my account information.
 Any amount is welcome!
 I promise that I spend any cent I receive on hardware or software
that will help me to continue Amiga development!
 And don't forget about Jody Tierney (check DiskMaster2.guide for his
email-address), mails of support (and donations!) should be directed
to him, too!
 Additionally - please forgive me if my choice of words is not
perfect, English is not my native language and I have a hard time
writing this as well as I feel a little bad asking at all.

 And a big -thank you!- again to those kind people who already sent me
a donation!
 Amount of donations so far: 14
 Thank you very much! Rudolph Riedel

         G O L D E D   U P D A T E   I S   A V A I L A B L E


 GoldED Studio AIX, C/C++ IDE and editor for AmigaOS and MorphOS, has
been updated.
 Service pack 20
 SP20 provides bugfixes, improves compatibility with the OS4
pre-release and implements several new features, such as Lisp
scripting support and a text selector pop-up (screenshot). A 30-day
trial version of microgolded and a demo of GoldED AIX can be
downloaded on the author's web site.
 An official support forum for GoldED has been opened.


  S P A M F R Y E R   U P D A T E   H A S   B E E N   R E L E A S E D 


 Simon Goodwin has released the latest update to his email spam
blocking software - SpamFryer.
 Spam Fryer is an icon-launched script that automatically identifies
spam and deletes it from your ISP's POP3 server. This third major
version applies more than 100 rules to sift out spam, and can quickly
be taught new rules by editing plain text files.
 Deletes around 90 per cent of current spams (PC worms, junk mail
offers, viruses etc) without needing to download more than a fraction
of the messages.

Version 3 adds:
Ability to specify rules via 'keep' and 'lose' lists
set within the script or from configuration files.
More than a hundred ready-made rules to sift wanted
and junk mails, chosen to catch spam common in 2004.
Option to read account details from a separate file.
Improved log file output.
Optional interactive password entry.
New option to fry all mail to synthetic addresses.
Updated and improved documentation, including an
indexed AmigaGuide.
Additional support for YAM, Miami and UAE users.


              W I N U A E   B U G F I X   V E R S I O N


 A new version of WinUAE is now available. The previous version had a
serious bug. Read more for the list of bug fixes and some added

WinUAE 0.9.91 (19.08.2004) "WinUAE 1.0 public beta #2"

Bugs in 0.9.90 fixed:

 - Multiple directory filesystem emulation bugs (files getting
truncated to zero if opened in rw-mode, read-only files failing to
open and some operations returning incorrect AmigaDOS error codes)
 - AGA horizontal scrolling bug in some games.
 - Stereo separation setting was not always set properly.
 - Another task-switching Direct3D/OpenGL-mode problem.
Other fixes and updates:
 - Picasso96 black screen after CTRL-ALT-DEL.
 - bsdsocket update, fixes ~2 second pause on some systems and added
internet connection off-line check (Stephen Riedelbeck)
 - CPU idle calculation update. CPU Idle-setting may need
 - PP Hammer and Spindizzy Worlds graphics flicker fixed in non-cycle
exact mode (again..)

New features:

 - "uae-configuration" Amiga side program that can list current
configuration, change all configuration parameters and send any
inputevent on the fly.
 - Both right alt and ctrl are mapped to firebutton in keyboard layout
B (some laptops don't have right ctrl key).
 - disable quickstart-mode if using -f or -config= -command line

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 11th year. 
Copyright 2004 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
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      \\___\¯ /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\¯ /___//
       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 040831 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

     2   M I C R O - A 1 S   F O R   O C T O B E R   R E L E A S E 

                  A L A D D I N   4 D   O N   E B A Y 

           A L C H I M I E   4   S H O W   I N   F R A N C E 

              H O L L Y W O O D   U P D A T E   1 . 9 . 2 

           A W E B   -   A   B E T A   O F   I N T E R E S T 

        D I S K M A S T E R 2   H A S   N E W   V E R S I O N S 

          G O L D E D   U P D A T E   I S   A V A I L A B L E

  S P A M F R Y E R   U P D A T E   H A S   B E E N   R E L E A S E D 

               W I N U A E   B U G F I X   V E R S I O N
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 An interesting article appeared in the online version of "Information
Week" for August 9th. The article dealt with fears and issues
concerning open source software vs. proprietary software, including
operating systems. Here are a few quotes that caught my attention: 

 "the potential to run afoul of intellectual-property claims, combined
with the sheer proliferation of open-source projects, means customers
need to make open-source choices carefully.
 "Concerns about what patents the city of Munich, Germany, might
violate in moving 14,000 PCs from Windows to Linux caused city
officials last week to delay those plans.
 "And HP's top Linux executive, Martin Fink, last week said that the
large number of open-source licenses is causing confusion."

 What seems to be happening is that many groups who had been rushing
to Linux as an alternative to MicroSoft are now becoming worried about
copyright and intelectual property issues. Some fear they may find
themselves in ugly legal messes if they rely too heavily on the open
source community. This is a reasonable fear considering the tendency
to sue for any and all reasons in today's world.
 It's equally clear that many of these organizations would dearly love
an alternative OS to Windows. One where there was no fear of Microsoft
tactics or open source ownership issues. Apple doesn't seem interested
- and besides, Mac OS is now based on a version of UNIX which just
might prove equally probelmatical down the road if it became
sufficiently popular.
 Do we have any idea where an alternative operating system with no
ownership issues just might be found? One with a good user gui, for
instance, that actually predates Windows and should have no
intelectual property issues to be concerned about? It would take some
courage to move into this arena, and probably couldn't be done
overnight. But it could be done.
 Yo, KMOS, are you listening?
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

2 Aug 2004 

 Used to own an A3000. Fascinating what never happened to the best OS
GUI I ever used. I think a lot of people could benefit if Workbench
was open sourced for use as a Linux desktop environment.
 No name provided
Hello Provided,
 That's a very interesting idea you have. I wonder what the rest of
our readers might think of it? Thanks for sending it along.
 In a similar vein, see the Thoughts and Introduction above.

    2   M I C R O - A 1 S   F O R   O C T O B E R   R E L E A S E 

28 August, 2004

 µ-A1 scheduled for release 1st October 2004.
 When we {Eyetech} first showed pictures of the µ-A1 last October it
was of the first of a series of pre-production versions. Each
successive version made was designed to make sure that the final
specification of the pre-production product suited the ne eds of both
Amigians and, particularly, large volume industrial customers. We used
the pre-production prototypes to gain feedback from a range of such
potential customers to ensure that the specification and reliability
of the µ-A1 met or exce eded their needs and therefore would ensure
the commercial success of the product. That process is now complete.
 Two models of µ-A1 boards
 What emerged was a need for two variants of the µ-A1 board to suit
different markets, which we are now calling the µ-A1-C (for
commercial) and the µ-A1-I (for industrial). The µ-A1-C is closely
based on the existing pre-production µ-A1's that
 have be quite widely shown over the last few months. The µ-A1-I has
some different features - and chips - and therefore requires
additional software drivers writing. The detailed specifications for
each board are given in the table below.
 The first batch of production µ-A1-C boards have already been made
and are now on their way to us. Hyperion are currently finalising an
updated version of OS4 for the board - we will begin shipping boards
to dealers when we receive the new OS 4 CDs. We expect dealers who
have pre-ordered to receive their first µ-A1-C boards/CD's at the
beginning of October. We anticipate that the µ-A1-I - which will need
a further update of OS4 to support the new chips - will be with
dealers in ear ly November.
 Initially both versions will be available to dealers as board-only,
although we are also investigating the feasibility of having a batch
of factory manufactured, ready-to run systems made complete with hard
drives and CDWR/DVDROM combo drives . If produced these will come in
high quality, distinctive cases and be made available via the usual
dealer channels.
 In any event most dealers will also sell their own ready-to-run
systems using cases and other components which they have sourced
 The suggested end user price for these boards is as follows: µ-A1-C -
gbp349/euro499/USD599 (ex VAT/sales tax) µ-A1-I -
gbp399/euro599/USD699 (ex VAT/sales tax)
 Both boards include cpu, 256MB memory, cpu cooler and on board
graphics and sound, but exclude OS4 (-OEM or -PR as appropriate) which
is an additional cost (euros 100 or equivalent), compulsory purchase
item. The revenue from OS4 goes directl y to Hyperion to fund past and
ongoing development of OS4.
 Additional A1XE-G4 boards to be made available
 We anticipate shipping a further small batch of A1XE-G4 boards to
dealers during October, against forward dealer orders. Suggested end
user prices will be the same as previously (ie base on gbp500 ex tax).
Please note however that these new b oards will not be 'Earlybird'
systems and OS4-OEM (or -PR as appropriate) is an additional cost
 As previously stated we will eventually produce the micro-ATX form
factor A1-XC with updated specifications (DDR memory, more on-board
peripherals etc), mainly to provide a development platform - always
assuming that the µ-A1 is successful in
 volume markets.
 µ-A1-C specification in outline
 The µ-A1-C is closely based on the specifications of the A1XE board,
modified where appropriate for the mini-ITX form factor and to get
round various quirks which have surfaced on the existing XE boards. It
will be shipped with a 750Fx @800 M Hz cpu module on a standard
AmigaOne MegArray connector, and a single SODIMM socket populated with
256MB. Graphics will be provided by an onboard Radeon 7000 with 32MB
memory. 6-channel 5.1 surround sound is provided by a CMI 8738 chip.
 The board comes with a single PCI slot which is capable of taking a
-1, -2 or -3 slot riser card. This will not be supplied by us, (single
slot risers should normally be supplied along with the case), but we
will be making the specifications available to third parties so they
can produce, for example, a riser with 2 PCI and 1 AGP (operating in
PCI mode) slots. These should then be available directly through your
local dealer.
 We are only shipping G3 cpu modules with the board at this stage, due
to the high power consumption of commonly (and economically) available
G4 cpu's, and the resulting cooling problems when the board is mounted
in a mini-ITX case. It is our intention to have upgrade G4 cpu modules
made for this board using lower power G4's (like the MPC7447 cpu) when
these become available at reasonable prices in smallish quantities.
 µ-A1-I specification in outline
 The specification for the µ-A1-I is very comprehensive - we really
have tried to include as many on board peripherals as practicable
whilst also including what we believe are unprecedented expansion
facilities in such a compact design. The ma in expansion slot is fully
documented and 'open standard' so that specialist hardware interface
companies (eg Individual Computers) can produce and market a range of
add-ons - in true Amiga tradition. This expansion port has been
designed to b e PCI-104 compatible resulting in a wide range of all
manner of expansion cards already being available off-the-shelf. The
PCI 104 bus is a 'stacking' bus which allows more than one expansion
card to be used simultaneously. These expansion boa rds lie parallel
to the main board, simplifying the implementation of robust, reliable
mechanical fixing - which is essential for high reliability industrial
 On-board peripherals include USB, IEEE 1394 (firewire); ATA133;
Gbit/100/10 ethernet; 5.1 6-channel surround sound; SVGA, SVHS and
composite video output and the usual array of legacy connectors
(games, 2x serial, parallel). Several of these I/O functions are
supplied on headers, making interconnections on industrial systems (eg
a serial touch screen controller) much easier to implement.
 In addition the single standard PCI slot will support a 1 to 3 slot
expansion riser as with the µ-A1-C above.
 The board will also incorporate 256MB of on-board memory plus an
expansion SODIMM socket, passive cpu cooling and a CF (compact flash)
'hard drive' slot which. These features taken together will allow for
completely solid-state operation - es sential for the high reliability
needed in many industrial applications. AGP graphics will be provided
by an on-board ATi 7000-series graphics processor with 32MB of DDR
 With all this added functionality board space is extremely tight, and
something had to give. The chosen candidate was the exchangeable
MegArray-based cpu module as used on the AmigaOne-XE. There simply was
not room to fit it in with all the other stuff.
 However the good news is that the µ-A1 will now come with an 800MHz
750Gx cpu as standard, which represents an upgrade to the 750Fx used
in the AmigaOne XE-G3. We rejected the option of using a Motorola G4
cpu as the higher heat dissipation meant that passive cooling was not
possible - and it is cpu fan failure which is one of the major causes
of unreliability in computer systems.

                 A L A D D I N   4 D   O N   E B A Y 

10 August, 2004

 The 10th of August saw the Amiga Aladdin 4D program up for auction on
E-Bay. The auction ran until 20 August without a winner, and was
relisted, apparently again without a winning bid. Following is text
from the auction page.

Starting bid:

US $35,000.00 


Aug-20-04 19:26:39 PDT 

Start time: 

Aug-10-04 19:26:39 PDT 

 Aladdin 4D Complete 3D Package/Rights/Source

 Aladdin 4D is being offered by Nova Design, Inc. for sale to any
individual or company interested in purchasing this for their own use.
The purchaser will recieve all rights, trademarks, documentation,
executables, samples, newsletters, projec ts, and the entire source
code to this amazing package. This package is an amazingly fast 3D
rendering, modeling and animation system. It's code is highly portable
(it is currently on the Amiga platform but the package has been ported
to a par allel processing 'transputer' system (this code not included)
and has been maintained to be as portable as possible. The source code
is in in the C programming language and is well commented standard C
 If you, or your company, is looking to add a well-written and
extensive 3D program to your product line - you aren't going to go
wrong with Aladdin 4D. While Nova Design, Inc. redefined Aladdin 4D to
be accessible to neophyte 3D artists, it's tool set includes advanced
modeling tools, animation systems, particle systems and much more.
 Aladdin 4D comes with a comprehensive bound manual that was profusely
illustrated. This manual, and the original electronic document, are
 Aladdin 4D also has a newsletter which has featured years and years
of issues which have been put online as well. These newsletters
contained valuable tutorials, projects, sample artwork and more! These
too are included.
 For more information visit our web site at www.novadesign.com or read

 Aladdin 4D

 Aladdin 4D is one of the most complete 3D packages you can find on
the Amiga today. It comes complete with enhanced animation, modeling,
lighting, and rendering that can all be extended with an advanced
plugin system. Aladdin 4D provides professional features at a price
anyone can afford.

 Available on the Amiga platform, Aladdin 4D steps forward with a
complete suite of tools available for you to use. Aladdin 4D comes
with the tools, plugins, and functions necessary for you to deliver
the highest quality work on time and under
 budget. Best of all, Aladdin 4D does this without sacrificing quality
or ease of use.
 By including the tools you need with the quality you deserve and all
at the right price, Aladdin 4D is the package for you.

 The winning bidder will acquire the entire rights to Aladdin 4D. They
are even welcome to the remaining stock of Amiga packages which can be
shipped to them at their expense otherwise Nova Design will simply
liquidate these to a discount distributor. Nova Design will turn over
all rights and intellectual property pertaining to Aladdin 4D
following payment.


          A L C H I M I E   4   S H O W   I N   F R A N C E 


 Last year, 225 people attended the Alchimie computer show in east of
France. Come again to Tain-l'hermitage at 100Km below Lyon from the
24th to 26th of September.
 Again a coding party will take place at the Alchimie which will bring
to us a lof of productions and we hope to see some on Pegasos and
AmigaOne, and on Old School machines (we wait C64 users).There are
several prizes to win.

Some conferences are planned:

- game Destinea Wars,

- the CPC NG, the new version of CPC 464 and 6128,

- Amiga Os 4.0.

 Amiga resellers will be there too Amont Informatique will come with
their AmigaOnes.
 Many surprises will wait for you so come and join us !!!


            H O L L Y W O O D   U P D A T E   1 . 9 . 2 


 An update for all users of Hollywood 1.9 is available now. This is
mostly a bug-fix update but it has some new features as well. The
update is provided for free and can be downloaded from the Hollywood
product page. It can be used with all ve rsions of Hollywood 1.9, i.e.
AmigaOS3, WarpOS and MorphOS binaries. To install the update, just run
the included installer which will analyze your Hollywood 1.9
installation and update all out-dated components then. Please note,
that you need Hollywood 1.9 for this update. To find out what exactly
has changed in Hollywood 1.9 revision 2, have a look at the history
section in the documentation.

           A W E B   -   A   B E T A   O F   I N T E R E S T 


CHANGES FROM 3.5 to 3.5.01

 One new feature (improved relocation handling) and a few bug fixes
have been added since 3.5 beta. Following is a quick overview.


 AWeb relocation handling has been much improved, Temporarily moved
urls are now temporary! They are not cached and a second request to
the original url will reload the document. Also the relocated url is
displayed under the name of the destination not the original request
(MSIE and mozilla both do this).
 Thses changes mean a that many login systems work smoother without
the need to manually refresh pages. Another example is that the
"Continue To Message" link on a yahoo advert now works.


 A few enforcer hit type bug have been cleaned up resulting in
improved stabilty.


 A bug in the javascript Image() objects onerror handling was fixed.


 The new background image handling did not update the backgrounds of
Animated gifs


 Two new charsets have been added as an interim fix to the problem of
windows characters in iso-8859-1 documents.
 iso-8859-1 translates the extra windows characters from windows-1252
to near equivalents (as the old compatable mode did, but with a few
composite charatcers missing) windows-1252 translates true
windows-1252 docs to iso-8859-1
 A more comprehensive charset solution is in the works...


 Character refernces for unicode characters such as " etc are now
supported in all modes and not just in strict. The ¤ reference should
work now if you have the right fonts.


       D I S K M A S T E R 2   H A S   N E W   V E R S I O N S 


 Rudolph Riedel has released version 2.5.30 of DiskMaster2. Both 68k
and OS4 native versions are available.
 Future DiskMaster2 Releases

 Basic roadmap for future DiskMaster2 versions and the documentation
 Add more of the user-requested features
 Add much more information to the list and provide more "exotic"
 more scripts to be bundeled with this release

Send your wishes

 DiskMaster2 on future Systems?

 A question often asked - or spoken as a suggestion - will DiskMaster2
be available on future Amiga-like systems? The answer is pretty simple
now: Yes! An OS4 native PPC binary of DiskMaster2 is already
 Thanks to your donations I was able to buy an used copy of Amithlon
which sped-up things for me a lot since the compile-times dropped
 Additionally I had the opportunity to "borrow" an A1-board, I "only"
had to supply what else was needed to make it a working system.
DiskMaster2 native PPC for OS4 exists and works as nice on the A1 as
the 68k version on Amithlon and I build both versions from a single
set of source-codes now. 2.5.29 is included as contribution on the
pre-release CD.
 If you like to donate some EUR to encourage further development -
donations are very welcome!!
 If you don't mind to send me something thru snail-mail you can find
my address here as well as in the DiskMaster2.guide. Or if you happen
to live in the EU you could also send me something thru a normal
bank-transfer, just ask for my account information.
 Any amount is welcome!
 I promise that I spend any cent I receive on hardware or software
that will help me to continue Amiga development!
 And don't forget about Jody Tierney (check DiskMaster2.guide for his
email-address), mails of support (and donations!) should be directed
to him, too!
 Additionally - please forgive me if my choice of words is not
perfect, English is not my native language and I have a hard time
writing this as well as I feel a little bad asking at all.

 And a big -thank you!- again to those kind people who already sent me
a donation!
 Amount of donations so far: 14
 Thank you very much! Rudolph Riedel

         G O L D E D   U P D A T E   I S   A V A I L A B L E


 GoldED Studio AIX, C/C++ IDE and editor for AmigaOS and MorphOS, has
been updated.
 Service pack 20
 SP20 provides bugfixes, improves compatibility with the OS4
pre-release and implements several new features, such as Lisp
scripting support and a text selector pop-up (screenshot). A 30-day
trial version of microgolded and a demo of GoldED AIX can be
downloaded on the author's web site.
 An official support forum for GoldED has been opened.


  S P A M F R Y E R   U P D A T E   H A S   B E E N   R E L E A S E D 


 Simon Goodwin has released the latest update to his email spam
blocking software - SpamFryer.
 Spam Fryer is an icon-launched script that automatically identifies
spam and deletes it from your ISP's POP3 server. This third major
version applies more than 100 rules to sift out spam, and can quickly
be taught new rules by editing plain text files.
 Deletes around 90 per cent of current spams (PC worms, junk mail
offers, viruses etc) without needing to download more than a fraction
of the messages.

Version 3 adds:
Ability to specify rules via 'keep' and 'lose' lists
set within the script or from configuration files.
More than a hundred ready-made rules to sift wanted
and junk mails, chosen to catch spam common in 2004.
Option to read account details from a separate file.
Improved log file output.
Optional interactive password entry.
New option to fry all mail to synthetic addresses.
Updated and improved documentation, including an
indexed AmigaGuide.
Additional support for YAM, Miami and UAE users.


              W I N U A E   B U G F I X   V E R S I O N


 A new version of WinUAE is now available. The previous version had a
serious bug. Read more for the list of bug fixes and some added

WinUAE 0.9.91 (19.08.2004) "WinUAE 1.0 public beta #2"

Bugs in 0.9.90 fixed:

 - Multiple directory filesystem emulation bugs (files getting
truncated to zero if opened in rw-mode, read-only files failing to
open and some operations returning incorrect AmigaDOS error codes)
 - AGA horizontal scrolling bug in some games.
 - Stereo separation setting was not always set properly.
 - Another task-switching Direct3D/OpenGL-mode problem.
Other fixes and updates:
 - Picasso96 black screen after CTRL-ALT-DEL.
 - bsdsocket update, fixes ~2 second pause on some systems and added
internet connection off-line check (Stephen Riedelbeck)
 - CPU idle calculation update. CPU Idle-setting may need
 - PP Hammer and Spindizzy Worlds graphics flicker fixed in non-cycle
exact mode (again..)

New features:

 - "uae-configuration" Amiga side program that can list current
configuration, change all configuration parameters and send any
inputevent on the fly.
 - Both right alt and ctrl are mapped to firebutton in keyboard layout
B (some laptops don't have right ctrl key).
 - disable quickstart-mode if using -f or -config= -command line

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 11th year. 
Copyright 2004 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
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      \\___\¯ /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\¯ /___//
       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 040831 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

     2   M I C R O - A 1 S   F O R   O C T O B E R   R E L E A S E 

                  A L A D D I N   4 D   O N   E B A Y 

           A L C H I M I E   4   S H O W   I N   F R A N C E 

              H O L L Y W O O D   U P D A T E   1 . 9 . 2 

           A W E B   -   A   B E T A   O F   I N T E R E S T 

        D I S K M A S T E R 2   H A S   N E W   V E R S I O N S 

          G O L D E D   U P D A T E   I S   A V A I L A B L E

  S P A M F R Y E R   U P D A T E   H A S   B E E N   R E L E A S E D 

               W I N U A E   B U G F I X   V E R S I O N
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 An interesting article appeared in the online version of "Information
Week" for August 9th. The article dealt with fears and issues
concerning open source software vs. proprietary software, including
operating systems. Here are a few quotes that caught my attention: 

 "the potential to run afoul of intellectual-property claims, combined
with the sheer proliferation of open-source projects, means customers
need to make open-source choices carefully.
 "Concerns about what patents the city of Munich, Germany, might
violate in moving 14,000 PCs from Windows to Linux caused city
officials last week to delay those plans.
 "And HP's top Linux executive, Martin Fink, last week said that the
large number of open-source licenses is causing confusion."

 What seems to be happening is that many groups who had been rushing
to Linux as an alternative to MicroSoft are now becoming worried about
copyright and intelectual property issues. Some fear they may find
themselves in ugly legal messes if they rely too heavily on the open
source community. This is a reasonable fear considering the tendency
to sue for any and all reasons in today's world.
 It's equally clear that many of these organizations would dearly love
an alternative OS to Windows. One where there was no fear of Microsoft
tactics or open source ownership issues. Apple doesn't seem interested
- and besides, Mac OS is now based on a version of UNIX which just
might prove equally probelmatical down the road if it became
sufficiently popular.
 Do we have any idea where an alternative operating system with no
ownership issues just might be found? One with a good user gui, for
instance, that actually predates Windows and should have no
intelectual property issues to be concerned about? It would take some
courage to move into this arena, and probably couldn't be done
overnight. But it could be done.
 Yo, KMOS, are you listening?
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

2 Aug 2004 

 Used to own an A3000. Fascinating what never happened to the best OS
GUI I ever used. I think a lot of people could benefit if Workbench
was open sourced for use as a Linux desktop environment.
 No name provided
Hello Provided,
 That's a very interesting idea you have. I wonder what the rest of
our readers might think of it? Thanks for sending it along.
 In a similar vein, see the Thoughts and Introduction above.

    2   M I C R O - A 1 S   F O R   O C T O B E R   R E L E A S E 

28 August, 2004

 µ-A1 scheduled for release 1st October 2004.
 When we {Eyetech} first showed pictures of the µ-A1 last October it
was of the first of a series of pre-production versions. Each
successive version made was designed to make sure that the final
specification of the pre-production product suited the ne eds of both
Amigians and, particularly, large volume industrial customers. We used
the pre-production prototypes to gain feedback from a range of such
potential customers to ensure that the specification and reliability
of the µ-A1 met or exce eded their needs and therefore would ensure
the commercial success of the product. That process is now complete.
 Two models of µ-A1 boards
 What emerged was a need for two variants of the µ-A1 board to suit
different markets, which we are now calling the µ-A1-C (for
commercial) and the µ-A1-I (for industrial). The µ-A1-C is closely
based on the existing pre-production µ-A1's that
 have be quite widely shown over the last few months. The µ-A1-I has
some different features - and chips - and therefore requires
additional software drivers writing. The detailed specifications for
each board are given in the table below.
 The first batch of production µ-A1-C boards have already been made
and are now on their way to us. Hyperion are currently finalising an
updated version of OS4 for the board - we will begin shipping boards
to dealers when we receive the new OS 4 CDs. We expect dealers who
have pre-ordered to receive their first µ-A1-C boards/CD's at the
beginning of October. We anticipate that the µ-A1-I - which will need
a further update of OS4 to support the new chips - will be with
dealers in ear ly November.
 Initially both versions will be available to dealers as board-only,
although we are also investigating the feasibility of having a batch
of factory manufactured, ready-to run systems made complete with hard
drives and CDWR/DVDROM combo drives . If produced these will come in
high quality, distinctive cases and be made available via the usual
dealer channels.
 In any event most dealers will also sell their own ready-to-run
systems using cases and other components which they have sourced
 The suggested end user price for these boards is as follows: µ-A1-C -
gbp349/euro499/USD599 (ex VAT/sales tax) µ-A1-I -
gbp399/euro599/USD699 (ex VAT/sales tax)
 Both boards include cpu, 256MB memory, cpu cooler and on board
graphics and sound, but exclude OS4 (-OEM or -PR as appropriate) which
is an additional cost (euros 100 or equivalent), compulsory purchase
item. The revenue from OS4 goes directl y to Hyperion to fund past and
ongoing development of OS4.
 Additional A1XE-G4 boards to be made available
 We anticipate shipping a further small batch of A1XE-G4 boards to
dealers during October, against forward dealer orders. Suggested end
user prices will be the same as previously (ie base on gbp500 ex tax).
Please note however that these new b oards will not be 'Earlybird'
systems and OS4-OEM (or -PR as appropriate) is an additional cost
 As previously stated we will eventually produce the micro-ATX form
factor A1-XC with updated specifications (DDR memory, more on-board
peripherals etc), mainly to provide a development platform - always
assuming that the µ-A1 is successful in
 volume markets.
 µ-A1-C specification in outline
 The µ-A1-C is closely based on the specifications of the A1XE board,
modified where appropriate for the mini-ITX form factor and to get
round various quirks which have surfaced on the existing XE boards. It
will be shipped with a 750Fx @800 M Hz cpu module on a standard
AmigaOne MegArray connector, and a single SODIMM socket populated with
256MB. Graphics will be provided by an onboard Radeon 7000 with 32MB
memory. 6-channel 5.1 surround sound is provided by a CMI 8738 chip.
 The board comes with a single PCI slot which is capable of taking a
-1, -2 or -3 slot riser card. This will not be supplied by us, (single
slot risers should normally be supplied along with the case), but we
will be making the specifications available to third parties so they
can produce, for example, a riser with 2 PCI and 1 AGP (operating in
PCI mode) slots. These should then be available directly through your
local dealer.
 We are only shipping G3 cpu modules with the board at this stage, due
to the high power consumption of commonly (and economically) available
G4 cpu's, and the resulting cooling problems when the board is mounted
in a mini-ITX case. It is our intention to have upgrade G4 cpu modules
made for this board using lower power G4's (like the MPC7447 cpu) when
these become available at reasonable prices in smallish quantities.
 µ-A1-I specification in outline
 The specification for the µ-A1-I is very comprehensive - we really
have tried to include as many on board peripherals as practicable
whilst also including what we believe are unprecedented expansion
facilities in such a compact design. The ma in expansion slot is fully
documented and 'open standard' so that specialist hardware interface
companies (eg Individual Computers) can produce and market a range of
add-ons - in true Amiga tradition. This expansion port has been
designed to b e PCI-104 compatible resulting in a wide range of all
manner of expansion cards already being available off-the-shelf. The
PCI 104 bus is a 'stacking' bus which allows more than one expansion
card to be used simultaneously. These expansion boa rds lie parallel
to the main board, simplifying the implementation of robust, reliable
mechanical fixing - which is essential for high reliability industrial
 On-board peripherals include USB, IEEE 1394 (firewire); ATA133;
Gbit/100/10 ethernet; 5.1 6-channel surround sound; SVGA, SVHS and
composite video output and the usual array of legacy connectors
(games, 2x serial, parallel). Several of these I/O functions are
supplied on headers, making interconnections on industrial systems (eg
a serial touch screen controller) much easier to implement.
 In addition the single standard PCI slot will support a 1 to 3 slot
expansion riser as with the µ-A1-C above.
 The board will also incorporate 256MB of on-board memory plus an
expansion SODIMM socket, passive cpu cooling and a CF (compact flash)
'hard drive' slot which. These features taken together will allow for
completely solid-state operation - es sential for the high reliability
needed in many industrial applications. AGP graphics will be provided
by an on-board ATi 7000-series graphics processor with 32MB of DDR
 With all this added functionality board space is extremely tight, and
something had to give. The chosen candidate was the exchangeable
MegArray-based cpu module as used on the AmigaOne-XE. There simply was
not room to fit it in with all the other stuff.
 However the good news is that the µ-A1 will now come with an 800MHz
750Gx cpu as standard, which represents an upgrade to the 750Fx used
in the AmigaOne XE-G3. We rejected the option of using a Motorola G4
cpu as the higher heat dissipation meant that passive cooling was not
possible - and it is cpu fan failure which is one of the major causes
of unreliability in computer systems.

                 A L A D D I N   4 D   O N   E B A Y 

10 August, 2004

 The 10th of August saw the Amiga Aladdin 4D program up for auction on
E-Bay. The auction ran until 20 August without a winner, and was
relisted, apparently again without a winning bid. Following is text
from the auction page.

Starting bid:

US $35,000.00 


Aug-20-04 19:26:39 PDT 

Start time: 

Aug-10-04 19:26:39 PDT 

 Aladdin 4D Complete 3D Package/Rights/Source

 Aladdin 4D is being offered by Nova Design, Inc. for sale to any
individual or company interested in purchasing this for their own use.
The purchaser will recieve all rights, trademarks, documentation,
executables, samples, newsletters, projec ts, and the entire source
code to this amazing package. This package is an amazingly fast 3D
rendering, modeling and animation system. It's code is highly portable
(it is currently on the Amiga platform but the package has been ported
to a par allel processing 'transputer' system (this code not included)
and has been maintained to be as portable as possible. The source code
is in in the C programming language and is well commented standard C
 If you, or your company, is looking to add a well-written and
extensive 3D program to your product line - you aren't going to go
wrong with Aladdin 4D. While Nova Design, Inc. redefined Aladdin 4D to
be accessible to neophyte 3D artists, it's tool set includes advanced
modeling tools, animation systems, particle systems and much more.
 Aladdin 4D comes with a comprehensive bound manual that was profusely
illustrated. This manual, and the original electronic document, are
 Aladdin 4D also has a newsletter which has featured years and years
of issues which have been put online as well. These newsletters
contained valuable tutorials, projects, sample artwork and more! These
too are included.
 For more information visit our web site at www.novadesign.com or read

 Aladdin 4D

 Aladdin 4D is one of the most complete 3D packages you can find on
the Amiga today. It comes complete with enhanced animation, modeling,
lighting, and rendering that can all be extended with an advanced
plugin system. Aladdin 4D provides professional features at a price
anyone can afford.

 Available on the Amiga platform, Aladdin 4D steps forward with a
complete suite of tools available for you to use. Aladdin 4D comes
with the tools, plugins, and functions necessary for you to deliver
the highest quality work on time and under
 budget. Best of all, Aladdin 4D does this without sacrificing quality
or ease of use.
 By including the tools you need with the quality you deserve and all
at the right price, Aladdin 4D is the package for you.

 The winning bidder will acquire the entire rights to Aladdin 4D. They
are even welcome to the remaining stock of Amiga packages which can be
shipped to them at their expense otherwise Nova Design will simply
liquidate these to a discount distributor. Nova Design will turn over
all rights and intellectual property pertaining to Aladdin 4D
following payment.


          A L C H I M I E   4   S H O W   I N   F R A N C E 


 Last year, 225 people attended the Alchimie computer show in east of
France. Come again to Tain-l'hermitage at 100Km below Lyon from the
24th to 26th of September.
 Again a coding party will take place at the Alchimie which will bring
to us a lof of productions and we hope to see some on Pegasos and
AmigaOne, and on Old School machines (we wait C64 users).There are
several prizes to win.

Some conferences are planned:

- game Destinea Wars,

- the CPC NG, the new version of CPC 464 and 6128,

- Amiga Os 4.0.

 Amiga resellers will be there too Amont Informatique will come with
their AmigaOnes.
 Many surprises will wait for you so come and join us !!!


            H O L L Y W O O D   U P D A T E   1 . 9 . 2 


 An update for all users of Hollywood 1.9 is available now. This is
mostly a bug-fix update but it has some new features as well. The
update is provided for free and can be downloaded from the Hollywood
product page. It can be used with all ve rsions of Hollywood 1.9, i.e.
AmigaOS3, WarpOS and MorphOS binaries. To install the update, just run
the included installer which will analyze your Hollywood 1.9
installation and update all out-dated components then. Please note,
that you need Hollywood 1.9 for this update. To find out what exactly
has changed in Hollywood 1.9 revision 2, have a look at the history
section in the documentation.

           A W E B   -   A   B E T A   O F   I N T E R E S T 


CHANGES FROM 3.5 to 3.5.01

 One new feature (improved relocation handling) and a few bug fixes
have been added since 3.5 beta. Following is a quick overview.


 AWeb relocation handling has been much improved, Temporarily moved
urls are now temporary! They are not cached and a second request to
the original url will reload the document. Also the relocated url is
displayed under the name of the destination not the original request
(MSIE and mozilla both do this).
 Thses changes mean a that many login systems work smoother without
the need to manually refresh pages. Another example is that the
"Continue To Message" link on a yahoo advert now works.


 A few enforcer hit type bug have been cleaned up resulting in
improved stabilty.


 A bug in the javascript Image() objects onerror handling was fixed.


 The new background image handling did not update the backgrounds of
Animated gifs


 Two new charsets have been added as an interim fix to the problem of
windows characters in iso-8859-1 documents.
 iso-8859-1 translates the extra windows characters from windows-1252
to near equivalents (as the old compatable mode did, but with a few
composite charatcers missing) windows-1252 translates true
windows-1252 docs to iso-8859-1
 A more comprehensive charset solution is in the works...


 Character refernces for unicode characters such as " etc are now
supported in all modes and not just in strict. The ¤ reference should
work now if you have the right fonts.


       D I S K M A S T E R 2   H A S   N E W   V E R S I O N S 


 Rudolph Riedel has released version 2.5.30 of DiskMaster2. Both 68k
and OS4 native versions are available.
 Future DiskMaster2 Releases

 Basic roadmap for future DiskMaster2 versions and the documentation
 Add more of the user-requested features
 Add much more information to the list and provide more "exotic"
 more scripts to be bundeled with this release

Send your wishes

 DiskMaster2 on future Systems?

 A question often asked - or spoken as a suggestion - will DiskMaster2
be available on future Amiga-like systems? The answer is pretty simple
now: Yes! An OS4 native PPC binary of DiskMaster2 is already
 Thanks to your donations I was able to buy an used copy of Amithlon
which sped-up things for me a lot since the compile-times dropped
 Additionally I had the opportunity to "borrow" an A1-board, I "only"
had to supply what else was needed to make it a working system.
DiskMaster2 native PPC for OS4 exists and works as nice on the A1 as
the 68k version on Amithlon and I build both versions from a single
set of source-codes now. 2.5.29 is included as contribution on the
pre-release CD.
 If you like to donate some EUR to encourage further development -
donations are very welcome!!
 If you don't mind to send me something thru snail-mail you can find
my address here as well as in the DiskMaster2.guide. Or if you happen
to live in the EU you could also send me something thru a normal
bank-transfer, just ask for my account information.
 Any amount is welcome!
 I promise that I spend any cent I receive on hardware or software
that will help me to continue Amiga development!
 And don't forget about Jody Tierney (check DiskMaster2.guide for his
email-address), mails of support (and donations!) should be directed
to him, too!
 Additionally - please forgive me if my choice of words is not
perfect, English is not my native language and I have a hard time
writing this as well as I feel a little bad asking at all.

 And a big -thank you!- again to those kind people who already sent me
a donation!
 Amount of donations so far: 14
 Thank you very much! Rudolph Riedel

         G O L D E D   U P D A T E   I S   A V A I L A B L E


 GoldED Studio AIX, C/C++ IDE and editor for AmigaOS and MorphOS, has
been updated.
 Service pack 20
 SP20 provides bugfixes, improves compatibility with the OS4
pre-release and implements several new features, such as Lisp
scripting support and a text selector pop-up (screenshot). A 30-day
trial version of microgolded and a demo of GoldED AIX can be
downloaded on the author's web site.
 An official support forum for GoldED has been opened.


  S P A M F R Y E R   U P D A T E   H A S   B E E N   R E L E A S E D 


 Simon Goodwin has released the latest update to his email spam
blocking software - SpamFryer.
 Spam Fryer is an icon-launched script that automatically identifies
spam and deletes it from your ISP's POP3 server. This third major
version applies more than 100 rules to sift out spam, and can quickly
be taught new rules by editing plain text files.
 Deletes around 90 per cent of current spams (PC worms, junk mail
offers, viruses etc) without needing to download more than a fraction
of the messages.

Version 3 adds:
Ability to specify rules via 'keep' and 'lose' lists
set within the script or from configuration files.
More than a hundred ready-made rules to sift wanted
and junk mails, chosen to catch spam common in 2004.
Option to read account details from a separate file.
Improved log file output.
Optional interactive password entry.
New option to fry all mail to synthetic addresses.
Updated and improved documentation, including an
indexed AmigaGuide.
Additional support for YAM, Miami and UAE users.


              W I N U A E   B U G F I X   V E R S I O N


 A new version of WinUAE is now available. The previous version had a
serious bug. Read more for the list of bug fixes and some added

WinUAE 0.9.91 (19.08.2004) "WinUAE 1.0 public beta #2"

Bugs in 0.9.90 fixed:

 - Multiple directory filesystem emulation bugs (files getting
truncated to zero if opened in rw-mode, read-only files failing to
open and some operations returning incorrect AmigaDOS error codes)
 - AGA horizontal scrolling bug in some games.
 - Stereo separation setting was not always set properly.
 - Another task-switching Direct3D/OpenGL-mode problem.
Other fixes and updates:
 - Picasso96 black screen after CTRL-ALT-DEL.
 - bsdsocket update, fixes ~2 second pause on some systems and added
internet connection off-line check (Stephen Riedelbeck)
 - CPU idle calculation update. CPU Idle-setting may need
 - PP Hammer and Spindizzy Worlds graphics flicker fixed in non-cycle
exact mode (again..)

New features:

 - "uae-configuration" Amiga side program that can list current
configuration, change all configuration parameters and send any
inputevent on the fly.
 - Both right alt and ctrl are mapped to firebutton in keyboard layout
B (some laptops don't have right ctrl key).
 - disable quickstart-mode if using -f or -config= -command line

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 11th year. 
Copyright 2004 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
       __\ _____ \\\\  \_  _/  //___//  _____//______\ _____ \\
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      \\___\¯ /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\¯ /___//
       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 040831 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

     2   M I C R O - A 1 S   F O R   O C T O B E R   R E L E A S E 

                  A L A D D I N   4 D   O N   E B A Y 

           A L C H I M I E   4   S H O W   I N   F R A N C E 

              H O L L Y W O O D   U P D A T E   1 . 9 . 2 

           A W E B   -   A   B E T A   O F   I N T E R E S T 

        D I S K M A S T E R 2   H A S   N E W   V E R S I O N S 

          G O L D E D   U P D A T E   I S   A V A I L A B L E

  S P A M F R Y E R   U P D A T E   H A S   B E E N   R E L E A S E D 

               W I N U A E   B U G F I X   V E R S I O N
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 An interesting article appeared in the online version of "Information
Week" for August 9th. The article dealt with fears and issues
concerning open source software vs. proprietary software, including
operating systems. Here are a few quotes that caught my attention: 

 "the potential to run afoul of intellectual-property claims, combined
with the sheer proliferation of open-source projects, means customers
need to make open-source choices carefully.
 "Concerns about what patents the city of Munich, Germany, might
violate in moving 14,000 PCs from Windows to Linux caused city
officials last week to delay those plans.
 "And HP's top Linux executive, Martin Fink, last week said that the
large number of open-source licenses is causing confusion."

 What seems to be happening is that many groups who had been rushing
to Linux as an alternative to MicroSoft are now becoming worried about
copyright and intelectual property issues. Some fear they may find
themselves in ugly legal messes if they rely too heavily on the open
source community. This is a reasonable fear considering the tendency
to sue for any and all reasons in today's world.
 It's equally clear that many of these organizations would dearly love
an alternative OS to Windows. One where there was no fear of Microsoft
tactics or open source ownership issues. Apple doesn't seem interested
- and besides, Mac OS is now based on a version of UNIX which just
might prove equally probelmatical down the road if it became
sufficiently popular.
 Do we have any idea where an alternative operating system with no
ownership issues just might be found? One with a good user gui, for
instance, that actually predates Windows and should have no
intelectual property issues to be concerned about? It would take some
courage to move into this arena, and probably couldn't be done
overnight. But it could be done.
 Yo, KMOS, are you listening?
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

2 Aug 2004 

 Used to own an A3000. Fascinating what never happened to the best OS
GUI I ever used. I think a lot of people could benefit if Workbench
was open sourced for use as a Linux desktop environment.
 No name provided
Hello Provided,
 That's a very interesting idea you have. I wonder what the rest of
our readers might think of it? Thanks for sending it along.
 In a similar vein, see the Thoughts and Introduction above.

    2   M I C R O - A 1 S   F O R   O C T O B E R   R E L E A S E 

28 August, 2004

 µ-A1 scheduled for release 1st October 2004.
 When we {Eyetech} first showed pictures of the µ-A1 last October it
was of the first of a series of pre-production versions. Each
successive version made was designed to make sure that the final
specification of the pre-production product suited the ne eds of both
Amigians and, particularly, large volume industrial customers. We used
the pre-production prototypes to gain feedback from a range of such
potential customers to ensure that the specification and reliability
of the µ-A1 met or exce eded their needs and therefore would ensure
the commercial success of the product. That process is now complete.
 Two models of µ-A1 boards
 What emerged was a need for two variants of the µ-A1 board to suit
different markets, which we are now calling the µ-A1-C (for
commercial) and the µ-A1-I (for industrial). The µ-A1-C is closely
based on the existing pre-production µ-A1's that
 have be quite widely shown over the last few months. The µ-A1-I has
some different features - and chips - and therefore requires
additional software drivers writing. The detailed specifications for
each board are given in the table below.
 The first batch of production µ-A1-C boards have already been made
and are now on their way to us. Hyperion are currently finalising an
updated version of OS4 for the board - we will begin shipping boards
to dealers when we receive the new OS 4 CDs. We expect dealers who
have pre-ordered to receive their first µ-A1-C boards/CD's at the
beginning of October. We anticipate that the µ-A1-I - which will need
a further update of OS4 to support the new chips - will be with
dealers in ear ly November.
 Initially both versions will be available to dealers as board-only,
although we are also investigating the feasibility of having a batch
of factory manufactured, ready-to run systems made complete with hard
drives and CDWR/DVDROM combo drives . If produced these will come in
high quality, distinctive cases and be made available via the usual
dealer channels.
 In any event most dealers will also sell their own ready-to-run
systems using cases and other components which they have sourced
 The suggested end user price for these boards is as follows: µ-A1-C -
gbp349/euro499/USD599 (ex VAT/sales tax) µ-A1-I -
gbp399/euro599/USD699 (ex VAT/sales tax)
 Both boards include cpu, 256MB memory, cpu cooler and on board
graphics and sound, but exclude OS4 (-OEM or -PR as appropriate) which
is an additional cost (euros 100 or equivalent), compulsory purchase
item. The revenue from OS4 goes directl y to Hyperion to fund past and
ongoing development of OS4.
 Additional A1XE-G4 boards to be made available
 We anticipate shipping a further small batch of A1XE-G4 boards to
dealers during October, against forward dealer orders. Suggested end
user prices will be the same as previously (ie base on gbp500 ex tax).
Please note however that these new b oards will not be 'Earlybird'
systems and OS4-OEM (or -PR as appropriate) is an additional cost
 As previously stated we will eventually produce the micro-ATX form
factor A1-XC with updated specifications (DDR memory, more on-board
peripherals etc), mainly to provide a development platform - always
assuming that the µ-A1 is successful in
 volume markets.
 µ-A1-C specification in outline
 The µ-A1-C is closely based on the specifications of the A1XE board,
modified where appropriate for the mini-ITX form factor and to get
round various quirks which have surfaced on the existing XE boards. It
will be shipped with a 750Fx @800 M Hz cpu module on a standard
AmigaOne MegArray connector, and a single SODIMM socket populated with
256MB. Graphics will be provided by an onboard Radeon 7000 with 32MB
memory. 6-channel 5.1 surround sound is provided by a CMI 8738 chip.
 The board comes with a single PCI slot which is capable of taking a
-1, -2 or -3 slot riser card. This will not be supplied by us, (single
slot risers should normally be supplied along with the case), but we
will be making the specifications available to third parties so they
can produce, for example, a riser with 2 PCI and 1 AGP (operating in
PCI mode) slots. These should then be available directly through your
local dealer.
 We are only shipping G3 cpu modules with the board at this stage, due
to the high power consumption of commonly (and economically) available
G4 cpu's, and the resulting cooling problems when the board is mounted
in a mini-ITX case. It is our intention to have upgrade G4 cpu modules
made for this board using lower power G4's (like the MPC7447 cpu) when
these become available at reasonable prices in smallish quantities.
 µ-A1-I specification in outline
 The specification for the µ-A1-I is very comprehensive - we really
have tried to include as many on board peripherals as practicable
whilst also including what we believe are unprecedented expansion
facilities in such a compact design. The ma in expansion slot is fully
documented and 'open standard' so that specialist hardware interface
companies (eg Individual Computers) can produce and market a range of
add-ons - in true Amiga tradition. This expansion port has been
designed to b e PCI-104 compatible resulting in a wide range of all
manner of expansion cards already being available off-the-shelf. The
PCI 104 bus is a 'stacking' bus which allows more than one expansion
card to be used simultaneously. These expansion boa rds lie parallel
to the main board, simplifying the implementation of robust, reliable
mechanical fixing - which is essential for high reliability industrial
 On-board peripherals include USB, IEEE 1394 (firewire); ATA133;
Gbit/100/10 ethernet; 5.1 6-channel surround sound; SVGA, SVHS and
composite video output and the usual array of legacy connectors
(games, 2x serial, parallel). Several of these I/O functions are
supplied on headers, making interconnections on industrial systems (eg
a serial touch screen controller) much easier to implement.
 In addition the single standard PCI slot will support a 1 to 3 slot
expansion riser as with the µ-A1-C above.
 The board will also incorporate 256MB of on-board memory plus an
expansion SODIMM socket, passive cpu cooling and a CF (compact flash)
'hard drive' slot which. These features taken together will allow for
completely solid-state operation - es sential for the high reliability
needed in many industrial applications. AGP graphics will be provided
by an on-board ATi 7000-series graphics processor with 32MB of DDR
 With all this added functionality board space is extremely tight, and
something had to give. The chosen candidate was the exchangeable
MegArray-based cpu module as used on the AmigaOne-XE. There simply was
not room to fit it in with all the other stuff.
 However the good news is that the µ-A1 will now come with an 800MHz
750Gx cpu as standard, which represents an upgrade to the 750Fx used
in the AmigaOne XE-G3. We rejected the option of using a Motorola G4
cpu as the higher heat dissipation meant that passive cooling was not
possible - and it is cpu fan failure which is one of the major causes
of unreliability in computer systems.

                 A L A D D I N   4 D   O N   E B A Y 

10 August, 2004

 The 10th of August saw the Amiga Aladdin 4D program up for auction on
E-Bay. The auction ran until 20 August without a winner, and was
relisted, apparently again without a winning bid. Following is text
from the auction page.

Starting bid:

US $35,000.00 


Aug-20-04 19:26:39 PDT 

Start time: 

Aug-10-04 19:26:39 PDT 

 Aladdin 4D Complete 3D Package/Rights/Source

 Aladdin 4D is being offered by Nova Design, Inc. for sale to any
individual or company interested in purchasing this for their own use.
The purchaser will recieve all rights, trademarks, documentation,
executables, samples, newsletters, projec ts, and the entire source
code to this amazing package. This package is an amazingly fast 3D
rendering, modeling and animation system. It's code is highly portable
(it is currently on the Amiga platform but the package has been ported
to a par allel processing 'transputer' system (this code not included)
and has been maintained to be as portable as possible. The source code
is in in the C programming language and is well commented standard C
 If you, or your company, is looking to add a well-written and
extensive 3D program to your product line - you aren't going to go
wrong with Aladdin 4D. While Nova Design, Inc. redefined Aladdin 4D to
be accessible to neophyte 3D artists, it's tool set includes advanced
modeling tools, animation systems, particle systems and much more.
 Aladdin 4D comes with a comprehensive bound manual that was profusely
illustrated. This manual, and the original electronic document, are
 Aladdin 4D also has a newsletter which has featured years and years
of issues which have been put online as well. These newsletters
contained valuable tutorials, projects, sample artwork and more! These
too are included.
 For more information visit our web site at www.novadesign.com or read

 Aladdin 4D

 Aladdin 4D is one of the most complete 3D packages you can find on
the Amiga today. It comes complete with enhanced animation, modeling,
lighting, and rendering that can all be extended with an advanced
plugin system. Aladdin 4D provides professional features at a price
anyone can afford.

 Available on the Amiga platform, Aladdin 4D steps forward with a
complete suite of tools available for you to use. Aladdin 4D comes
with the tools, plugins, and functions necessary for you to deliver
the highest quality work on time and under
 budget. Best of all, Aladdin 4D does this without sacrificing quality
or ease of use.
 By including the tools you need with the quality you deserve and all
at the right price, Aladdin 4D is the package for you.

 The winning bidder will acquire the entire rights to Aladdin 4D. They
are even welcome to the remaining stock of Amiga packages which can be
shipped to them at their expense otherwise Nova Design will simply
liquidate these to a discount distributor. Nova Design will turn over
all rights and intellectual property pertaining to Aladdin 4D
following payment.


          A L C H I M I E   4   S H O W   I N   F R A N C E 


 Last year, 225 people attended the Alchimie computer show in east of
France. Come again to Tain-l'hermitage at 100Km below Lyon from the
24th to 26th of September.
 Again a coding party will take place at the Alchimie which will bring
to us a lof of productions and we hope to see some on Pegasos and
AmigaOne, and on Old School machines (we wait C64 users).There are
several prizes to win.

Some conferences are planned:

- game Destinea Wars,

- the CPC NG, the new version of CPC 464 and 6128,

- Amiga Os 4.0.

 Amiga resellers will be there too Amont Informatique will come with
their AmigaOnes.
 Many surprises will wait for you so come and join us !!!


            H O L L Y W O O D   U P D A T E   1 . 9 . 2 


 An update for all users of Hollywood 1.9 is available now. This is
mostly a bug-fix update but it has some new features as well. The
update is provided for free and can be downloaded from the Hollywood
product page. It can be used with all ve rsions of Hollywood 1.9, i.e.
AmigaOS3, WarpOS and MorphOS binaries. To install the update, just run
the included installer which will analyze your Hollywood 1.9
installation and update all out-dated components then. Please note,
that you need Hollywood 1.9 for this update. To find out what exactly
has changed in Hollywood 1.9 revision 2, have a look at the history
section in the documentation.

           A W E B   -   A   B E T A   O F   I N T E R E S T 


CHANGES FROM 3.5 to 3.5.01

 One new feature (improved relocation handling) and a few bug fixes
have been added since 3.5 beta. Following is a quick overview.


 AWeb relocation handling has been much improved, Temporarily moved
urls are now temporary! They are not cached and a second request to
the original url will reload the document. Also the relocated url is
displayed under the name of the destination not the original request
(MSIE and mozilla both do this).
 Thses changes mean a that many login systems work smoother without
the need to manually refresh pages. Another example is that the
"Continue To Message" link on a yahoo advert now works.


 A few enforcer hit type bug have been cleaned up resulting in
improved stabilty.


 A bug in the javascript Image() objects onerror handling was fixed.


 The new background image handling did not update the backgrounds of
Animated gifs


 Two new charsets have been added as an interim fix to the problem of
windows characters in iso-8859-1 documents.
 iso-8859-1 translates the extra windows characters from windows-1252
to near equivalents (as the old compatable mode did, but with a few
composite charatcers missing) windows-1252 translates true
windows-1252 docs to iso-8859-1
 A more comprehensive charset solution is in the works...


 Character refernces for unicode characters such as " etc are now
supported in all modes and not just in strict. The ¤ reference should
work now if you have the right fonts.


       D I S K M A S T E R 2   H A S   N E W   V E R S I O N S 


 Rudolph Riedel has released version 2.5.30 of DiskMaster2. Both 68k
and OS4 native versions are available.
 Future DiskMaster2 Releases

 Basic roadmap for future DiskMaster2 versions and the documentation
 Add more of the user-requested features
 Add much more information to the list and provide more "exotic"
 more scripts to be bundeled with this release

Send your wishes

 DiskMaster2 on future Systems?

 A question often asked - or spoken as a suggestion - will DiskMaster2
be available on future Amiga-like systems? The answer is pretty simple
now: Yes! An OS4 native PPC binary of DiskMaster2 is already
 Thanks to your donations I was able to buy an used copy of Amithlon
which sped-up things for me a lot since the compile-times dropped
 Additionally I had the opportunity to "borrow" an A1-board, I "only"
had to supply what else was needed to make it a working system.
DiskMaster2 native PPC for OS4 exists and works as nice on the A1 as
the 68k version on Amithlon and I build both versions from a single
set of source-codes now. 2.5.29 is included as contribution on the
pre-release CD.
 If you like to donate some EUR to encourage further development -
donations are very welcome!!
 If you don't mind to send me something thru snail-mail you can find
my address here as well as in the DiskMaster2.guide. Or if you happen
to live in the EU you could also send me something thru a normal
bank-transfer, just ask for my account information.
 Any amount is welcome!
 I promise that I spend any cent I receive on hardware or software
that will help me to continue Amiga development!
 And don't forget about Jody Tierney (check DiskMaster2.guide for his
email-address), mails of support (and donations!) should be directed
to him, too!
 Additionally - please forgive me if my choice of words is not
perfect, English is not my native language and I have a hard time
writing this as well as I feel a little bad asking at all.

 And a big -thank you!- again to those kind people who already sent me
a donation!
 Amount of donations so far: 14
 Thank you very much! Rudolph Riedel

         G O L D E D   U P D A T E   I S   A V A I L A B L E


 GoldED Studio AIX, C/C++ IDE and editor for AmigaOS and MorphOS, has
been updated.
 Service pack 20
 SP20 provides bugfixes, improves compatibility with the OS4
pre-release and implements several new features, such as Lisp
scripting support and a text selector pop-up (screenshot). A 30-day
trial version of microgolded and a demo of GoldED AIX can be
downloaded on the author's web site.
 An official support forum for GoldED has been opened.


  S P A M F R Y E R   U P D A T E   H A S   B E E N   R E L E A S E D 


 Simon Goodwin has released the latest update to his email spam
blocking software - SpamFryer.
 Spam Fryer is an icon-launched script that automatically identifies
spam and deletes it from your ISP's POP3 server. This third major
version applies more than 100 rules to sift out spam, and can quickly
be taught new rules by editing plain text files.
 Deletes around 90 per cent of current spams (PC worms, junk mail
offers, viruses etc) without needing to download more than a fraction
of the messages.

Version 3 adds:
Ability to specify rules via 'keep' and 'lose' lists
set within the script or from configuration files.
More than a hundred ready-made rules to sift wanted
and junk mails, chosen to catch spam common in 2004.
Option to read account details from a separate file.
Improved log file output.
Optional interactive password entry.
New option to fry all mail to synthetic addresses.
Updated and improved documentation, including an
indexed AmigaGuide.
Additional support for YAM, Miami and UAE users.


              W I N U A E   B U G F I X   V E R S I O N


 A new version of WinUAE is now available. The previous version had a
serious bug. Read more for the list of bug fixes and some added

WinUAE 0.9.91 (19.08.2004) "WinUAE 1.0 public beta #2"

Bugs in 0.9.90 fixed:

 - Multiple directory filesystem emulation bugs (files getting
truncated to zero if opened in rw-mode, read-only files failing to
open and some operations returning incorrect AmigaDOS error codes)
 - AGA horizontal scrolling bug in some games.
 - Stereo separation setting was not always set properly.
 - Another task-switching Direct3D/OpenGL-mode problem.
Other fixes and updates:
 - Picasso96 black screen after CTRL-ALT-DEL.
 - bsdsocket update, fixes ~2 second pause on some systems and added
internet connection off-line check (Stephen Riedelbeck)
 - CPU idle calculation update. CPU Idle-setting may need
 - PP Hammer and Spindizzy Worlds graphics flicker fixed in non-cycle
exact mode (again..)

New features:

 - "uae-configuration" Amiga side program that can list current
configuration, change all configuration parameters and send any
inputevent on the fly.
 - Both right alt and ctrl are mapped to firebutton in keyboard layout
B (some laptops don't have right ctrl key).
 - disable quickstart-mode if using -f or -config= -command line

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 11th year. 
Copyright 2004 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
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