From: (Jason L. Tibbitts III)
Organization: Blob Shop Programmers
Subject: REVIEW: Curse of the Azure Bonds
Keywords: game, adventure, graphic, role playing
Distribution: world
Reply-To: mdcsc!gtj@uunet.UU.NET (George Jorgensen)

Curse of the Azure Bonds is an RPG Adventure, utilizing interactive graphic
characters.  On a scale of 10 swords, 1 being worst, it deserves a strong 9.

[Ed. note: Possible minor plot giveaways lie below.  No hints, though.] 
I would like to present my qualifications for making this and following
reviews. I have been playing Computer RPG games for over 12 years, beginning
with the Zork series.  The Zork series of Adventures was a text adventure and
at the time it was the only Adventure type game worth playing.  Then came the
interactive, graphic adventures and the text adventures became a bit boring. I
have played and solved all the Ultima adventures, up through Ultima V, all the
Bards Tale adventures through Bards Tale III, Faerytale Adventure, Pools of
Radiance, Champions of Krynn, Curse of the Azure Bonds, and presently I am
deep into Bane of the Cosmic Forge.  So my experience with these type games is

Curse is the next installment of Pool of Radiance and if you liked that one
you will like this one even better.  It will run on an Amiga 500 with 512K or
on a 2000.  I cannot vouch for a 3000, since I don't have access to one.  The
disks are not copy protected and can be installed on a hard drive.  The
adventure consists of You and 5 other characters which you either create or
carry forward from Pool of Radiance.  I would strongly suggest creating new
characters as they seem to be stronger than characters brought forward.  As
game play progresses you meet other characters, which are referred to as
non-playing-characters, (NPC's).  Some will give you information if they are
asked, some will try to attack you and some will ask to join your party and
assist you in your current quest.  The game comes with a Journal which is
filled with small bits of information.  This info. is sometimes found on the
ground, carved into walls, told to you by NPC's or found in various items such
as chests etc.  If you enter a tavern you might hear some of the patrons
talking and these conversations are also found in the Journal.  The
information found is sometimes accurate and sometimes not.  Remember, Thieves
very rarely tell the truth unless its in their best interests.  There are 6
different character classes and some characters can be experienced in more
than one class.  There are also six different character races, each one having
his own set of special abilities.  There are 36 Clerical spells, 4 Druid
spells, and 49 Mage spells.  There are 46 standard weapons which can be
purchased in the Armory.  There are also many other special weapons that are
found along the way after successful battles or maybe just laying around under
a floor board in an empty room.  Potions and powders abound throughout the land
and are just waiting to be found.  There are 10 type of armor which are
standard and just as with the weapons there is special armor to be found or
won from battle.  Don't forget the Gold..  There is lots of it.  Usually won
in battle, but sometimes hidden in out of the way locations waiting for the
curious adventurer to come along and find it.  You can expect to play this
game for over 100 hours the first time.  There is a clue book available, but I
would suggest blundering about on your own for awhile and then if you just
can't stand it any longer, buy the clue book, or ask a friend, or leave me
Email.  I have played the game 2 times and am familiar with most of the
puzzles.  A short synopsis of the story follows:

Your party begins in Tilverton City where you discover that 5 bonds have been
placed on your arm.  These bonds allow 5 different characters to control you
at their will.  You must find the evil characters that did this to your party
and destroy them, thereby removing the bonds they have placed on you.  In the
process of doing this you will also receive 3 artifacts which you will need to
finish the final quest. In Tilverton its the Fire Knives.  A bunch of unruly
bullies that want you to kill the King.  In Hap you must dispose of the Evil
Wizard Dracnadros and foil his plans for the Dragons.  In Yulash you have to 
battle the High Priestess Mogion and prevent her from releasing the God
Moander from the Pit of Moander. At Zhentil Keep you will face the High Priest
of Bane and grab the amulet of Lythander.  Finally you journey to the City of
Myth Drannor where you will meet your final destiny.  But first, before you 
can enter the City you must pass through the terrible Burial Glen Cemetery.
I needn't comment on what evil lurks there.  Hmmm, where there is evil may
there also be assistance?  Finally you journey to your final battle.  Be
prepared for it is a fierce fight and you will be lucky to win with less than
3 or 4 deaths.  I can guarantee you will lose utterly and completely on your
first attempt, for you must battle and destroy Tyranthraxus and his minions.
You thought you killed him in Pool of Radiance, but he is back in Curse of
the Azure Bonds and his purpose is revenge and utter victory over the land.
That is the story and of course along the way there are many caves, cities,
villages, and dungeons to be explored and plundered.

The game is by SSI, Strategic Simulations, Inc.   
               Main business phone.  (408) 737-6800
               Tech. Support line    (408) 737-6810

They are very polite there when you call and they don't seem to mind answering

[Ed. Note:  Any info on running this game on expanded and accelerated
	systems is welcome.  Email to]